
Github Invitation

Send invitation your private github repo

This module we are also using for this website, to grant the access for paid users to our private github repo.

To set up:

  1. The first you need to get GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN by go to Personal access tokens, choose Token (classic) and click to Generate new token (classic):

  1. Select repo scopes like this:

  1. You will get the key with ghp_ prefix. Paste into your .env along with the repo path (github_username/repo_name) for example zapstackdev/NextZapStack:
  1. Then go to your repo webhooks settings page for example to add a webhook with config like this:

If you just want to run on local development at the moment, you can use ngrok to get an external domain for webhook Payload URL config.

To use ngrok (exposing the local server to an external url), run command like this:

ngrok http http://localhost:4000

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